ShapeWorks Snack 减重小吃

Tea Mix and Protein Bar are designed to complement our ShapeWorks™ weight management program and help you overcome any dieting challenge. Whether you struggle with snacking or energy we have all your bases covered.
草本茶 & Protein Bar 是为辅助ShapeWorks™ 体重管理计划而设,帮助您克服饮食上的挑战。无论您为了馋嘴或热量而奋战,我们都具备了您基本的需要。

ShapeWorks™ Tea Mix 即溶草本茶

  • Contains polyphenol antioxidants, which are known to protect your body cells against damage from free radicals
  • For vitality and weight management.
  • This delicious, low-calorie instant tea mix helps you stay energised and refreshed while you manage your weight.

  • Includes antioxidant and thermogenic green tea.
  • Enjoy hot or cold.
  • 含有多酚 抗氧化剂,这是众所周知的保护免受自由基损害您的身体细胞
  • 这美味、低卡路里的 即溶草本茶饮协助您在管理体重时,仍然精力充沛和精神奕奕。
  • 蕴含抗氧化剂和低热量的绿茶。
  • 享受热饮或冷饮。
50g RM 129.00100g RM 224.00

Healthy Snacks....satisfy your snack craving with
healthy and tasty bites!!

ShapeWorks™ Soy and Whey Protein Bar 混合大豆乳清蛋白质棒 (Chocolate)

Herbalife Protein Bars are a great way to fill a snack-gap and they offer low fat with less calories than a normal chocolate bar, they taste as good as they look!

  • Great-tasting protein bars.

  • 12 grams of protein per bar to help you keep energise and satisfy your appetite.
  • Low fat, only 4 grams of fat per bar
  • Perfect for healthy weight-management and an active lifestyle

Herbalife Protein Bars 是一个最棒的休闲零食,提供您比一般的巧克力棒低脂肪,低卡路里,味道一样好吃哦!

  • 低脂肪,低卡路里
  • 蕴含12克的蛋白质,可支持您的体力以及满足您的胃口
  • 对于健康体重管理以及活跃的生活方式是个完美的选择。

  • RM 100.50 (*14 bars per box)


    ShapeWorks 体重管理

    Herbalife采用先进科技特制的 ShapeWorks™ 计划结合了细胞营养以及蛋白质的力量,让您可好好管理您的饥饿、保持健康的新陈代谢以及在减掉不必要的体重后感觉充满活力。

    ShapeWorks™ 是个简单、容易遵照以及美味可口的计划,为您提供所需的一切,以达到成功和长久的体重管理。
    If you’ve tried to lose weight before and failed, take heart!
    Herbalife’s science-based ShapeWorks™ Program combines Cellular Nutrition and the power of protein so you can manage your hunger, maintain a healthy metabolism and feel energised as you lose those unwanted kilos.
    The ShapeWorks™ Program is simple, easy-to-follow and delicious, offering you everything you need for lasting weight-loss success.

    Formula 1 Nutritious Mixed Soy Powder

    方1 混合大豆滋补营养素

    -> Provides essential vitamins and nutrients.

    -> An advanced meal-replacement shake packed with protein and essential nutrients.


  • Includes 19 vitamins and minerals.
  • 9 grams of soy protein and 18 grams when mixed with milk or soy milk per serving plus fibre to help keep you full and satisfied.
  • Soy protein and carbohydrates to help you feel fuller for longer and sustain your energy levels.
  • Can help you lose, gain or maintain weight.

    • 包含19种维生素和矿物质。
    • 8.65克的黄豆蛋白质,当混合了牛奶或豆奶,每次的份量即增加至18克,加上纤维,可帮助您产生饱足感和感到满足。
    • 能帮助您管理您的体重。增重或减重

  • *Available in five different flavours 含有5种口味供您选择 :

    • 香草 French Vanilla
    • 巧克力 Dutch Chocolate
    • 草莓 Strawberry
    • 热带水果 Tropical Fruit
    • 咖啡 Cappuccino

    550g RM 163.00

    Formula 3 Blended Soy & Whey Protein Powder

    配方3 混合大豆乳清蛋白粉

    Protein supplement helps fight hunger.

    A convenient, fat-free protein supplement for hunger control and healthy weight management.



    • Healthy soy and whey protein. A proprietary blend of soy and whey proteins
    • Helps build and maintain lean muscle mass.
    • Helps keep you feeling full for longer
    • Mixes easily into shakes, soups and sauces,personalise your intake to suit your needs
  • 健康大豆和乳清蛋白. 混合了所有黄豆以及乳清蛋白质。
  • 帮助建立以及保持体肌肉指数。
  • 保持美丽的身材
  • 有助于保持你的饱足感
  • 可简易掺入奶昔、汤以及酱料。根据您的需求。

  • 240g RM 115.60

    HERBALIFE company profile 关于

    Herbalife was founded in California in 1980 by an entrepreneur Mark Hughes with a dream to be able to give people healthy living solution. This company has been created from one man's initiative to a global company with 1.9 million Herbalife independent Distributors.

    康宝莱(Herbalife)公司成立于1980年加利福尼亚州。由企业家马克.休斯(Mark Hughes)创办。他的目标是能够给人们一个健康生活的解决方案。Herbalife是一个全球性公司有190万的独立分销商。

    Herbalife’s 30 year history has helped millions of satisfied customers achieve their ideal weight and maintain it with scientifically advanced weight-management programs.

    Herbalife International is a total wellness company offering high quality weight loss, weight gain, weight management, nutritional and personal-care products. Herbalife products are sold by a team of more than one-million independent herbalife distributors in more than 72 countries worldwide.

    History has proven that Herbalife’s products are safe, effective and life-changing.


